Work Desk PSU Pt1

Part of my electronics work desk project includes making a power supply setup. I ordered some cheap parts from china to set it up. It puts out 3.3V, 5V, 12V, and a variable voltage.

The green display reads the voltage going into the green plug, or alternatively checks the output voltage of the 3.3, 5, and 12V rails. (More on that in the second part.) The blue display gives the blue (variable) voltage, and  the center display gives you the volts and amps going to/through the two plugs on the left. The two switches control the power supply and accessories, although only on is inserted right now.

Wood is cheap and good for checking fits and sizing.

Wood is cheap and good for checking fits and sizing.

Low quality render of the back. I may have spent some time making it pretty.

Low quality render of the back. I may have spent some time making it pretty.

blurb render, finish later

Low quality render of the front. Some parts are missing.

Low quality render of the front. Some parts are missing.

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